Brand Management Update

April 9, 2021

How to create and optimize a successful YouTube channel for your brand.

What is Youtube? Some think that YouTube counts as a social network. Others see it more as an online video platform. But the truth is that YouTube has two billion monthly registered users around the world and ranks as the most used online platform. This is not something that can be ignored by any brand. So in that sense, whether or not YouTube meets the criteria for social media is irrelevant. It is more popular than all of them. But with over 500 hours of video uploaded per minute, effective YouTube marketing is easier said than done. However, YouTube and the rest of the networks have something in common. If brands want to have some level of relevance, they must have a strategy and must be clear that they must think outside the box in order to have a hook with their potential audience. Year after year we see how brands give after feet on YouTube and fail to understand that they must do things differently, from a creative point of view, in order to make effective use of this powerful channel. Until this is understood, we will continue to see fortunate phenomena that an independent producer has a much larger audience than economically powerful brands. We like that, as it places greater emphasis for success on creativity and strategy than on money.
March 16, 2021

The Return on marketing investment (ROMI).

Return on marketing investment (ROMI) is the contribution to profit attributable to marketing (net of marketing spending), divided by the marketing 'invested' or risked. ROMI is not like the other 'return-on-investment' (ROI) metrics because marketing is not the same kind of investment. Instead of money that is 'tied' up in plants and inventories (often considered capital expenditure or CAPEX), marketing funds are typically 'risked'. Marketing spending is typically expensed in the current period (operational expenditure or OPEX). The idea of measuring the market's response in terms of sales and profits is not new, but terms such as marketing ROI and ROMI are used more frequently now than in past periods. Usually, marketing spending will be deemed as justified if the ROMI is positive. In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, nearly half responded that they found the ROMI metric very useful. The purpose of ROMI is to measure the degree to which spending on marketing contributes to profits. Marketers are under more and more pressure to "show a return" on their activities.
October 26, 2020

Importance of video content for brand advertising.

Much has been said about the importance of videos in a brand's marketing strategy, however, let's talk more specifically. Are videos important as part of an effective brand communication strategy? Let's listen to the market.
February 18, 2020

Market research methods useful for brands.

Market research represents advantages such as strengthening their position, minimizing investment risks, identifying opportunities and threats and facilitating strategic planning, among other things. That is why brands and companies cannot forget the different methods of market research that are available to receive the above benefits. But do you remember what they are?
February 17, 2021

Relevance is key for a sales funnel to work

Inbound marketing is an effective model that helps us understand how the consumption of products and services operates. One of the great advantages of this work model, operated on the technology available today is the "hyper-segmentation" that we can make of the target market and the possibility of identifying the correct audience, all this in order to be able to be "relevant ”my advertising message and my sales actions. The need for brands to be "relevant" to a market segment forces them to have "empathy" with their target market and make efforts to understand them deeply. It is for this reason that the term "insight" in marketing is not just another word, it is a word that involves essential study processes for a brand and its marketing initiatives to be "relevant" to the target audience.
March 24, 2020

Management of a brand during the pandemic.

The following article was published when the world began to face the Covid 19 pandemic. Much has happened since those days when it was not known what facing the pandemic implied and by now we are adapted to a greater or lesser extent to the new normal. However, it is very useful as a guide to the measures that a brand should adopt to face collective crises such as the one that we have had to face since we believe that it will not be the first or last time that collectively we will have to experience this type of situation, either locally or globally.
August 18, 2020
Keys to making videos to project your brand

Keys to making videos to project your brand

A video, when well produced, allows you to be concise in your message and capture the audience's interest in the first few seconds. Remember that in these modern times your audience rarely has unlimited time to make contact with your brand. Your audience only has MICRO-MOMENTS in most cases. Statistics comment that the audience gives you a period of up to 10 seconds to give you the opportunity to captivate in order to view a complete message. We are convinced that this statistic is very generous, we have seen in Internet consumption statistics of most of our clients that they will give you a maximum 5 seconds of opportunity to convince yourself to continue viewing the message relate to your brand.
May 26, 2021

What are brand assets? Why are they essential?

A brand allows INDIVIDUATION , which is the phenomenon that occurs when we are able to identify one thing as opposed to other things. A brand must provide recognition. Just by looking at it, people realize that it is you and no one else. And the desirable thing is that it also contributes an association with attributes. In this way, a brand can become an umbrella that shelters and accompanies all the products and / or services of a company during its life cycle. Designing a successful brand identity requires continuous work and collaboration, as it is not susceptible to being static. You should also know that like people, brands change. Yes, consistency over time is desirable, but there must also be mechanisms to determine when it is time to review brand assets, for your next evolutionary step, in your constant communication with your audience.
November 16, 2020

Referral Marketing What is it? How does it work?

The normal behavior of human beings is to ask their acquaintances for opinions about a product or service before consuming it. This reinforcement becomes advice and the consumer feels calmer and more confident in making the decision to consume a product or service. This is always usual, but in the world of B2B business much more. Think about it, when a consumer wants to buy a chocolate they almost never ask their friends what chocolate to buy. However, when it comes to hiring a service company or making an acquisition of a business asset, a person would always ask their friend or a professional they respect for a reference. This behavioral presence around referrals can be a gold mine for a B2B brand if they figure out how to put it to use within their marketing strategies...